Monday, April 27, 2009

Quick Update

I don't have my camera with me right now so I will have to add pictures later but I just wanted to give a quick update. Life is going good for Daniel and I. We finished our semester earlier this month and are looking forward to our summer. I am officially finished with all my on-campus course and will be doing my student teaching this September. I am really excited about finally graduating come December. Daniel has a few more years left so it is a good thing I like Rexburg:) We are currently managing a BYU Idaho approved housing complex called Appletree Apartments. It is actually a house and we live in the basement but it is pretty easy work and the rent cheap so we like it. Daniel is working for a landscaping company out in Driggs for the summer. The company is doing work on this Ranch that has a 30 foot Native American Statue in the back yard. It is a pretty cool statue, I will post a picture of it soon. Since the ranch is fairly large, has one of the nice views in Driggs, and has a 30 foot statue in his backyard, the owner must be fairly rich! I will make sure I post some pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear that you guys are doing well. Chase told me that he really enjoyed playing golf with you guys when you were down here. That's awesome that you are starting your student teaching and that you are almost done with school! If you guys come down to Utah again, we should all get together. It would be great to see both of you.
    Love, Chase & Ilez
